cms mobile

As a business owner you may not have the time to design a mobile website that meets your expectations, so focus on your business and let our experts build you a great mobile website.

Increase Your Customer Base
Your customers are mobile, how about your business? Consumers are increasingly using mobile devices to search for business information. By 2014, it is estimated that the number of people browsing the web on their smartphones will exceed desktop visits. By hiring Slogo DESIGN to create a mobile-friendly website, you can proactively reach out to new customers and expand your reach.

Enhanced Customer Experience
Most websites are not designed to be viewed on the small screens of mobile phones. With Slogo DESIGN's cms mobile service, our designers can easily build you a custom website that is optimized for smartphones, creating a better experience for your mobile website visitors.

Stay Ahead of Your Competition
Studies show that less than 2% of businesses have a mobile-friendly website, an amazing figure given that more that 20% of Google searches are now done on mobile. Instantly set yourself apart from your competition by having our professional designers build you a great looking mobile website to tap into the growing mobile market.

Why Go With Slogo DESIGN?
Slogo DESIGN certified professional has the experience to meet your objectives through knowledge of mobile best practices, professional mobile website design skills, and a thorough understanding of the mobile marketplace as it pertains to your business.

What's Included:

* Up to 10 pages
* No work to be done by you
* Automatic syncing w/your regular site
* Help with redirecting to your new mobile site
* Help with setting up your custom domain
* Free analytics tracking
* SMS business info
* Phone and Email Support
* Unlimited Bandwidth

One Time Set Up fee $399.00
$30/ month Subscription fee